
14 February 2011

Free Blog Backgrounds!

I love it when other bloggers post free backgrounds and other stuff I can use on my blog.  And since this is me, what I like even better is letting their ideas (and their instructions!) inspire me to make my own.  So here are some backgrounds I made today!  Feel free to use them for any non-commertial purpose.  If you use one of them on your blog, please leave me a note in the comments so I can check it out.  I hope you like them!

Here's how you use them (with the new template designer):
Right click on the background you like and save it to your computer.
On your blog, go to Design->Template Designer.
Pick which template you want to use.  I liked how these ones looked on the Watermark template, but that's just a personal choice.
Next, click on Background (right under Templates).
There where you see the background image, click on the little triangle, which opens a dialogue box with the option to upload an image.
Upload your new background, click to choose it, and then click Done.
Be sure uncheck the "Scroll with page" option.
Update:  Pick the Center Top alignment option, like so:

You may want to adjust your layout or column widths (other options in the Template Designer).
There you go!

Let me know if you have any questions!

Update:  I changed the backgrounds a little to work better with a wider blog.  So if you downloaded the backgrounds already but wished the center column was wider--now they are.


  1. Nice to meet you, Jill! YOur blog looks lovely :) I returned the favor so I'm your 8th follower, YAY!

  2. Hey Jill nice blog and it is really interesting, i like the way you said that by seeing others blog you get inspired, even i do the same, best of luck for your new ideas...

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  3. Hi! Just used the blue one (modified slightly) on my blog. Thanks :)


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I've been getting a lot of spam comments lately, so I'll not be allowing anonymous comments for the time being. Sorry to any legitimate anonymous commenters!