
07 March 2011

Swap Followings @ Homemaker On a Dime

The blogger at Homemaker On a Dime is hosting a Swap Followings Linky Party.  As part of the party, I am featuring two of the other participants.

First up is Homemaker in Heels.  This is who she is in her own words:

Hi! My name is Crysta and I am so glad you stopped by! Here you will find a random mix of posts on crafting, cooking, decorating, faith, random domestic tips, any bargains I find, along with any other random thing that comes to mind, all with a Southern twist. 

I will update this post later this week with the next featured blog.  I hope you enjoy the blog hop!

The second blog I am newly following is Lisa Made It.  (I like her blog's name.  You know what they say about great minds...)  This is what her blog is in her own words:

Welcome to my BLOG where I will be sharing all of my creations such as recipes, sewing and crafts. There may even be the odd post about my kids cuz I made them too! 

Have a great day, everyone!


  1. Such a cute blog! I found you at homemaker on a dime and I am your newest follower :) I also have a blog and would love for you to check it out @
    Thanks! -Shayna

  2. Hey Jill! I'm perusing your blog and following you :) Found you through SJ, would love for you to visit me sometime! :)


  3. Such a cute blog! :) Thanks for following me at Homemaker in Heels! I am very happy to say I am now following you back! Have a great evening! :)

  4. Thank you for joining in our Swap Followings Linky party and helping make it a success! Hope you join us again next month :)

  5. Found you at the Swap party, I am featuring you on my blog and I am your newest follower. Hope you can stop by sometimes.


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I've been getting a lot of spam comments lately, so I'll not be allowing anonymous comments for the time being. Sorry to any legitimate anonymous commenters!