
27 April 2011

Revamping My Tutorials Page

Hey Readers.  I'm working on some major improvements for my Tutorials page.  (I'm updating it, for starters.  I currently have only three tutorials even listed.  Bad blogger!)  But the fun part of the announcement is that I'm going to post YOUR tutorials, too!  (Interested?  Read on.)

If I talk about a tutorial you did (you inspired me to make your project, or you guest blogged on my site, for example), then I will forever immortalize your tutorial on my Tutorials page.

So, please bear with me as I make this update.  And if you'd like me to feature a project you're super proud of, just leave a comment on this post or e-mail me at  I'd love to take a look.

1 comment:

  1. Woof! Woof! CUTE blog! Stopping by from "Creative Blog Party". LOVE the way you arrange your tutorial page n would like to know how. Hope you stop by n visit my blog. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar


Thank you for your comment! I love to hear from you--your comments make my day!

I've been getting a lot of spam comments lately, so I'll not be allowing anonymous comments for the time being. Sorry to any legitimate anonymous commenters!