
24 October 2011

Family Trip to the Great Smokey Mountains!

Saturday night, we got home from our family trip to the Great Smokey Mountains in North Carolina.  We had such a great time.  It was a lot of driving, but Boo did really well.  (Thank goodness!)  She even fell asleep almost immediately when I told her it was nap time--in the car!  (Hurray!)  That is, until a low-hanging tree branch scraped against our car about half an hour into her nap.  After that, she wanted to sleep in her crib, which obviously couldn't happen, so no more nap time.  Poor thing!  At least she was happy-hyper-tired the rest of the day, instead of cranky-tired.

Aww, I love to see sleeping babies...

We knew the trees in the Great Smokey Mountain National Park would be amazing right now, and we were right!

We took so many pictures...It was great.  Here are a few of my favorites.

Not bad for being taken through the car window when traffic happened to slow down, eh?

Boo's favorite part was when Daddy helped her climb all over some big rocks.

See, look at that happy face.

Hello, love!

Beautiful red leaves...

And I love these tiny flowers.

I hope you all had a great weekend!

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