
09 January 2012

Yearly Family Photo Books with Blurb

It's that time again--time to make our 2011 Family Photo Book.

I don't do scrapbooks.  I like them, and I'm impressed with those who do do scrapbooks, but they're not for me.  My own personal style tends more towards simple--no embellishments, just pictures and some text.  And that's why I use Blurb.

A girl at my church showed me a Blurb photo book she made with her wedding pictures, and it was lovely.  So I tried it myself for my own wedding pictures and loved it.  I thought Blurb was really easy to use, their books are great quality, and the price was not bad, either.  And I've made one photo book each year since.

Here are a few of the Blurb books I've made.  (Notice the nice hardback binding!  These are quality books!)

And here's the back of our 2009 book.  (Aww, look at that little face!)

I think the best thing about making these yearly books is that all the many many pictures we take each year don't end up just forgotten on the computer's hard drive.  Each year, I go through, pick out the best, and they actually get printed.

And they make wonderful wedding presents, too.  Made a couple of those.

There are five book sizes of photo books to choose from.  I make my books at 7" x 7".
Your books can have as many as 440 pages.  But mine are usually 80.
There are four different binding methods to choose from.  I use Hardcover with ImageWrap, which means the cover art is printed on the book, as opposed to using a dust jacket.

And my 80 page, hardcover, ImageWrap 7" x 7" book costs $35.  Which when I shopped around, was the best price I found for a comparable product.

{This is not a sponsored post.  I just love Blurb and thought you might, too.}

1 comment:

  1. I am about to start working on my blog books! I haven't gotten any printed yet, I think I may just do blog2print because it pulls everything directly from your blog exactly the way it is. But maybe I'll get motivated and use blurb :) Yours look amazing!!


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