
04 November 2013

I Might As Well Make It Official

I'm on a blogging hiatus right now.  I'm feeling stressed with all the things I need to do, and I want this blog to be something I enjoy, rather than something that causes me more stress.  So I'm taking the month of November off.  During that time, I hope to catch up on my non-blogging things that are shouting at me to complete them, as well as get ahead on blog posts so I can keep to my self-imposed schedule without self-imposed stress.

I'll be back at the beginning of December, and I have something great planned.  Oh, yes.  It will be good.  I'm excited.  And I'm taking this month to prepare for it, so it can be awesome.

Until then, have a great November.

{Might I suggest you sign up to get my posts via RSS, or follow by e-mail so you won't miss any posts when my hiatus is done?  Both options are in the sidebar, right there at the top.}