
19 September 2011

Boo's Bedroom is All Decorated!

Remember way back when I painted a watercolor of cosmos flowers for Boo?  Well, I finally got the enlargement printed, framed, and hung.  And I've been adding other finishing touches to her room, and I really like how it turned out.

So here's the painting hanging over Boo's bed.  I love it!  

I also made a curtain.  I love the super-easy tie; it's just a ribbon I happened to already have.

And then we have the dresser Mr. MadeIt and I refinished.  The lamp was Mr. MadeIt's when he was little.  The the dinosaur was, too.  I really like having those sentimental pieces in Boo's room.  

This is something my sister made, actually.  (I guess Boo's room isn't all the way finished--I need to get this hung on the wall.)  It will be fun to display pictures and stuff, tucked into those ribbons.

This bookcase used to be Mr. MadeIt's, too.  We refinished it, of course--it wasn't purple when it was my husband's!  I thought it would be fun to have the bookcase a clean, classic white, but then have the purple color pop.  (In case you're wondering, the blue behind the bookcase is a sheet to cover our storage!  Our apartment doesn't have much storage space, so it gets to live in Boo's room for now.)

And this shelf used to be mine!  The wind chimes were mine, too. (Or maybe they're still mine.  We'll see what happens.)  I collected wind chimes growing up, and now Boo gets to enjoy them.

And lest you think Boo doesn't get anything new, I made this quilt for her.  I used several (I don't remember how many; maybe seven?) different purple fabrics for the front.  As you can see, the pattern is just rows of squares, alternating darks and lights.  

My favorite part of the quilt is the appliquéd butterflies on the back.  :)  When I was cutting out the squares for the front, I had one inch strips of fabric left over.  I thought the fabric strips were too pretty to just throw away, so I turned them into butterflies.  I think it adds a special and unexpected touch.  (Update:  I just wrote a tutorial on how I made the appliqué butterflies.  Click on over to see!)

Well, there it is!  It took until Boo was almost two, but finally her room is (mostly) decorated.  I love the colors; the clean white, gender-neutral green (in case Boo ends up sharing her room with a baby brother someday--it's a two bedroom apartment), and the happy purple.  Something I really like but didn't expect from the beginning is how nice the white is--since all the moldings and doors are white anyways, having that color part of the decorating scheme makes these necessary elements feel all the more like they are part of the design.

How have you decorated your kid's room?  How would you like to, if you could do anything at all (no time, money, or child's tastes dictating otherwise)?

1 comment:

  1. I love everything you have done to Boo's room, what a lucky little girl she is:):)


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