
05 October 2011

Pigs-in-a-Blanket: Mummy Style!

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(This giveaway is now closed.)

Here's a quick, easy, and super fun Halloween meal:  Mummy-fied Pigs-in-a-Blanket!

Oh, man, Boo was so excited when she saw we were having hot dogs for lunch.  She's a little too young to appreciate the mummy-ness of these, though.  Oh, well--Mr. MadeIt and I got a kick out of them!

You need:
Hot dogs (of course!)
Biscuit dough of some kind.  I used Bisquick, but refrigerated biscuits or crescent rolls would be even easier.

(I didn't take pictures of me making these because it's so easy to see from the end result.)

Slice your dough into long, thin strips.  Thinner strips = wraps around more times = looks more like mummy.  I know; I tried with thick strips first.

Just wrap your hot dogs with the dough strips.  Try to have the seams on the bottom.

Bake according to the biscuit directions.

Use your toothpick to draw little mustard-blob eyes onto your mummies.  (Thanks, Mr. MadeIt, for that idea.  I was trying to just carefully squirt tiny blobs straight out of the mustard bottle!) 

Have fun eating your creations!

Happy crafting!


  1. Last year I've made hot dog mummies too. I used cloves to make eyes...

  2. Good idea, Olga! I bet they turned out cute.


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