
18 November 2011

The Versatile Blogger Award {Featuring Blogs Mini-Series}

In the middle of my October Extravaganza (Halloweenfest?  Month of Madness?  I never did choose a name for my month of Halloween/autumn-themed posts), I received an e-mail from Julianne from Sew Fantastic telling me that she was giving me the Versatile Blogger Award!  So I've been a little slow in responding, but better late than never, right?

Thanks, Julianne!

As part of this getting this award, I need to:
--Link to and give a shout out to the award-giver.  (Check!)
--Share seven things about myself.  (All right, I'll do that in a minute.)
--Send this award on to fifteen other bloggers.  (I've decided to do this in a mini-series, and write up a feature for each blog.  Because who doesn't like being featured, right?  So I'll feature one blog each Friday for fifteen weeks.)

Okay, seven things about me:
1--My mom taught me how to sew when I was a kid, and the sewing machine scared me!  (It was so loud!)  But now I love sewing; quilting, making clothes, crafting--I love it all!
2--One of my favorite classes in college was Book Arts (aka book making).  I really need to write some tutorials on making books.  (Maybe they'd be good Christmas presents...)
3--I graduated college with my major in Studio Art.  Yep, craftiness was part of my major.  Also drawing and painting, but I haven't had too much time for those since Boo was born--it's hard to paint in only nap-sized lengths of time.  (But my wonderful sister babysat Boo long enough for me to paint this.  Thanks, Sis!)
4--I'm not really a fan of cooking, but I love making desserts.  (I don't mind cooking itself; it's the mostly washing up all the pots and pans.  And all the time it takes.) Mmmm, chocolate chip cookies...
5--I love to read.  Novels used to be my favorite, but now I really like how-to books.  I love learning how to make new things!  (I bet you're all super-surprised.)
6--If I could go anywhere in the world, I would choose Hawaii first.  (But there are lot's of places I'd like to go!  Scotland, England, Brazil, anywhere on a cruise...)
7--All right, one more thing...hmmm...I've never sewn with knits.  I really need to learn how, especially since I want to start making more clothes for Boo.

The first blog I am passing this award on to is Peace, Love, Recipes by Courtney.

Okay, so I told you I'm not really into cooking, but I love finding new recipes.  (I know, weird.)

Doesn't this Creamy Cran-Raspberry Sherbet look delicious?

Or how about these Nutella Fudge Brownies?

There are plenty of non-dessert thing, too, but like I said, desserts are my favorite.  :) 

So head on over to Peace, Love, Recipes.

Happy cooking!

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